The following video goes through it in 45 seconds. Step by step below that.

Note: this does assume that the wallet address on destination is the same as source (which tends to be the case when the user can’t find their own tx)


Only knowing tx

Step by step

Step 1

Use to search the transaction hash and it will show you which chain it was on (both mainnet and testnet).

Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 3.34.01 PM.png

Note: for failed transactions, you can use Tenderly to show you exactly which part of the contract failed

Step 2

Head to the source chain block explorer (arbiscan in this case) and head into logs to find the destination chainId

Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 3.34.34 PM.png

Step 3

Find the corresponding chainId in our gitbooks:

Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 3.34.46 PM.png

Step 4